Strange Voices | Autism PDD


My son talks in lots of strange voices,all the time ,I am always saying ,in your own voice please,when he asks for things ect,one voice sounds like a troll,another a baby,and another i cant describe.

anyone know why?,I remember reading this as one of the signs of Autism, I think.



i think mosyt autistic children and adults do this

lucas does it a lot with differant accents

it may be the way it makes his throat tickle when he does certain growls

my advice would be

whe he uses the not nice voice say

im not speaking to troll voice

wait for him to consider which voice he will use

if its a nice voice say

nice voice i will speak to you

it works with lucas#shell xx


You have brought back a memory, that I have forgotten about. My son used to do this a lot when he was younger. I don't think we really did anything about it, because we had bigger fish to fry at the time with behavior problems. He has pretty much stopped this on his own, or maybe School helped. I don't know for sure, but he doesn't do it anymore. I think spectrummum suggestion is a good one. He does use a different accent still, but not very often. usually it's delayed ecolalia from a movie he has seen. He will repeat the dialog using a accent. 

My 9-yr-old ASD son does this, too. He mimics voices he hears on TV and talks with these voices. I play dumb sometimes, and pretend I can't understand him when he talks like that. Sometimes I'm not playing & really can't understand him. He gets frustrated at not getting his needs met & switches back to his normal voice, which isn't always an improvement as he talks very fast when he's excited/upset.

I think it is because ASD kids don't "get" the give-and-take aspect of conversation, or they think we can understand them because they understand themselves.

mirthlesstroll39327.6824189815D just started doing this. He may have been doing it all along, but it's only apparent now that he's saying actual words. The voice he uses kinda sounds like the little boy's voice from "The Shining." D's never heard or seen the movie, so I think he probably came up with it on his own.

When he says whatever in the voice (keep in mind, he's just now using 1-2 words to express needs), I will say "Not [insert word in weird voice], [insert word in normal voice." He laughs once or twice, but he does say it in the normal voice after me  repeating it once or twice.

Hopefully this will work for you, if you can imitate the sound he is making. The first time I did it to D, it definitely astonished him. I don't think he realized what he sounds like using that voice.
Donny spoke in a "Donald Duck" voice exclusively until he was around 5
1/2-6 (keep in mind this was jargon, not actual speech). When he started
developing echolalia and some functional speech, it was in both his regular
voice and the Donald Duck voice. The Donald Duck voice eventually phased
out. I don't think I've heard it at all in about a year.