Indigo children and the Kryon cult | Autism PDD


My MIL was part of this cult for many years. They call themselves the Kryons and ask you to do things like sign over your house and your car to them.

My MIL stole 2000 dollars from my husband and I as well as our car and gave it to the leaders of this cult.

They are very secretive and possessive of their people and we had to have a deprogrammer work with my MIL to get her out. At one point the leaders threatened violence if we took her away.

This stuff about Indigo children is a load of crap. They see parents of children with Autism as weak. As people who will do anything to make their kids better so they sell a lie.

 i feel very sad that Jenny is involved in this and even worse that she is spreading these lies.

People at school today were talking about her and her son from the Oprah show.

I have NO time for that.....

I heard about that....


 Wow, my biological parent were in the barn glory/Faith Assembly's occult.  I remember thinking there is something wrong with these people. That was one of my first thoughts at age 3 yrs old. I've never seen so much control,hate and red faces. They could not brainwash me but they did my parents for a while. My biological father had audio processing disorder, I think that helped. What's really weird a lot of the kids died that were toddler age. My brothers and I were luckie we lived from all those diseases.
 I'll look more into it later.