Strapping DS-3 to the chair at school!! | Autism PDD


 Horrible. I would report them to social services? Police?

The only way I know what therapies my son has is because of what his IEP states :)  Does your IEP show what the  therapies he's getting?

His birth to 3 classes had those square seats and the seatbelt ones :) I dont think his early chilhood class have them though. . I dont remember seeing them there :) hmmm

I just remembered they even used to seat belts on him at the birth to 3 playgroup too and there was only 1 other kid in the room with him at that time. The early chilhood classroom now he has 7 kids and 2 teachers.

I cant believe that your sons class seatbelts all the kids in.  I mean there are only 4 kids and they have 3 adults.

However, I will say that with my three year old, he has a good deal of trouble sitting w/out one.  In fact, he will (when he's able) actually strap himself into highchairs and whatnot when we go out to eat in restaurants.  He also loves loves loves his car seat, and starts trying to strap himself in as soon as he's seated.

For my son, it's an issue of what feels comfortable,  I think.  It helps him focus, or concentrate, I think.  That said, I can usually undo the straps with no trouble once he's settled in.  I think he may be using the straps as a cue that it's time to sit.  We're working on shortening the amount of time the straps are on, though, so that he can eventually sit calmly without them.


I can see how this could be a problem, especially if this is for prolonged periods of time, etc.

However, I will say that with my three year old, he has a good deal of trouble sitting w/out one.  In fact, he will (when he's able) actually strap himself into highchairs and whatnot when we go out to eat in restaurants.  He also loves loves loves his car seat, and starts trying to strap himself in as soon as he's seated.

For my son, it's an issue of what feels comfortable,  I think.  It helps him focus, or concentrate, I think.  That said, I can usually undo the straps with no trouble once he's settled in.  I think he may be using the straps as a cue that it's time to sit.  We're working on shortening the amount of time the straps are on, though, so that he can eventually sit calmly without them.



I think my sons the exact same way. Right when he gets in the car he wants the seat belt on and even with our wagon.   I always tell him he dosnt need the seatbelt on for our wagon but he still wants it.

mishy39343.4327083333My son is also seatbelted in the chair when its story time. I dont see anything wrong with it. I admit I felt bad at first thinking damn my childs that wild he has to be strapped in.

We have a teachers /parent home visit this week. That's gonna be one of the questions I ask :)

If it was a restraint with there arms now that's a different story. I would be ticked.

mishy39343.3491898148Please please please go with your gut instinct about the teacher and classroom. If it doesnt seem right or feel right, be suspicious. My ds was at a school that strapped him in ritkins and force fed him until he threw up


I would:

*Call the teacher & let her know you will be coming to observe class
*Write to her about your concerns regarding his day, and when he gets his therapies
*In a casual way, I'd say "Oh, would be please change his diaper before he leaves for the day?  He's coming home soaked.  Thanks!"
*Our dd used to sit in those therapy chairs someone described, but that was when she would sit & just slouch or slide down.  She was physically unable to sit in a chair w/o those supports.  There was no belt though, just a table top & a soft piece that went between her legs--just like a high chair.  For the past 6 mos or so, she's able to sit in regular chairs.  I'd be extremely opposed to her being placed in such a seat in the classroom (for therapy, sometimes it is helpful, as they are comfy & they have a table for fine motor skills, language activities, etc. IF the child is okay with them, smaller children may feel better in such a seat).

In our classroom, they have these neat plastic square chairs, all the kids can sit in them (very kid friendly).  Now, you can't expect all the kids to sit all the time--that's one reason why they're in spec ed!  With that many teacher/aides, the children can be worked with so that eventually they will sit on their own, & attend to circle time etc.  That's all part of this early development at school, especially for our kids.  I feel strongly that he needs to learn this without belts!  My dd insists on her belt in the stroller or shopping cart...BUT I think she'd have major fears with this at school & it would lead to a lot of anxiety & issues.  I would fight this.

You can always arrange for a meeting with the school & go over all of this.  I would do that, and would not allow my child to be restrained like this.

Also--our dd comes home with a piece of paper each day that has PECS pictures on it, teacher circles what dd had (therapies, what centers were visited) as well as the theme of the week etc.  The PECS cards are on there, to hopefully lead to dd being prompted to discuss her day with us.  You should be kept up to date on all of this stuff. 

Keep us posted on this, I am sorry you & your son are going through all this.

Elle2239343.3684027778These chairs are called Rivkin chairs. They are designed for kids with issues actually sitting up straight. It's related to sensory issues for some.  Ask the OT to explain. Also, if you think this is not appropriate for your child, ask that an IEP meeting be convened so that the IEP can reflect NO RIFKIN CHAIR.  It is not supposed to be used to get the child used to sitting still. It's supposed to be used for kids who drift off the sides of their seats without it due to sensory or muscle issues.  In any event, get the use of it EXPLAINED, preferably in writing. Or google Rifkin seat.

One of the helpers in the classroom that ds is in told me last night that they strap all the kids to their seats at school. There is only 4 kids in the classroom, and three adults ( 1 teacher and 2 aides). I just don't know what to do!! Dh says that they probably have to so that he will sit still, but I feel that they are forcing him to do something they should be teaching him to do! I've been sick to my stomach about it ever since I heard. I didn't send him to school today partly because we were up till 3 am, but partly because of this.

I've had doubts about this school for a while. He has come home soaking wet through his diaper a couple times (he rides the bus, but it's only a 5 min. ride!) I also dont' think the teacher is very good at communicating with me. They send a notebook home every day, but it's really vague some days. I have no idea when he gets his PT, ST, or OT, or even how often. They said at the beginning of the school year he would be starting all three in Sept. but I've not heard anything since. I guess I need to set up a conferance at the school ASAP.

When my kids were in pre-school, there were some wooden chairs with a seatbelt in the classroom.  The chair also had a piece that came up between the legs to keep the child from sliding out. (Are they called Rifkin chairs?)  I saw these chairs mainly used for kids with physical disabilities, like MS.  When my oldest was 3, he used one on occassion WITHOUT the seatbelt, because it kept him from sliding out of the chair and under the table. 

My kids were in classes of about 8 students.  There was a teacher and 2 aides.  They never used these chairs with all of the kids.  

With all the help your son's teacher has, I don't understand why they feel they need to belt all the kids into their chairs. 

I guess I would ask lots of questions.  Good luck! 

WIMomOf239342.8491782407WHAT!? Thats crazy! I have never even seen such chairs as long as I have been to school. Ill admit, the desks are akward (with the chairs attatched) and one could easily slide out of the chair. Perhapse instead of strapping the kid into the chair I dont understand why they cant just change the design of the desk/chair to be more like any other chair your find anywhere. I never understood, and wondered for many years why the chairs in school were different from any other chair i have ever seen or own.

Ya, id look into that 1!!

good luck!There are other ways to help a child sit still.  I would be upset if my dd was restrained like that.  She has sensory issues which make it hard for her to sit, unless she gets the sensory input she needs (calming weight helps, like ankle weights or a lap pad, and breaks for physical activity).  

I'm guessing these chairs are kinda like highchairs from what the lady told me. I haven't been in his classroom this year yet, but last year they didnt' even have desks, but table and chairs. And the chairs are definatly not something he would fall out of or anything. He can physically sit up just fine. I'm guessing it's because he doesn't want to sit that they are strapping him in. Last year they had trouble with him wanting to run in the halls, so the teacher told me she finally had to shut the door! (DUH!!)

I guess I'm just not sure how I should approach this? A call to the teacher? Request a conferance? Call the head of the Special Ed dept and have them investigate? I mean this isnt' just MY child, but others two. KWIM?

No, No, No, that doesn't sound good to me at all.  Your child can be taught to sit in his chair, he should NOT be forced in my opinion.  I wouldn't stand for Sharlet being strapped down, NO WAY!  I don't believe it's because they need to do it to get him to sit.  The bad communication and not knowing what services he is getting is just crap.  Call a meeting ASAP in my opinion. 

edited to add that these chairs you describe are used at my special ed preschool too, but they are used for kids who have things like CP who need to be strapped into a chair to sit.  I don't think this should ever be used for an autistic child unless they have a coexisting disability that means they need it.

They had some chairs like this (higher backs, seatbelts) in my sons first SpEd preschool class.  I saw two other kids sitting in them consistently when I would visit the class, but never C, so I never asked about them.  I do know the two boys that always sat in them didn't have visible handicaps to me (I saw them run around on various occasions).

I'd simply ask about the purpose of the chairs and see what you get. 

Regarding not knowing about the services, that is disturbing.  I would request a written schedule of your child's week that incorporates all therapies as well as any "specials" such as PE, art, music, etc.

They should have a better way to teach the kids to sit beside strapping them in chairs.  Are restraints legal in your state?  I took my son 2 years to learn to sit.

hmmm.... ya i forgot, these chairs are built for children who may not physically be able to sit strait, due to a handicap, so i guess that makes sence, but if your son is physically able to sit up strait then I wonder why he needs the chair. In the least perhapse you could pull some strings and get him a normal school chair so he can learn to sit up without the belt.

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