IEP Goals | Autism PDD


Hello... I was wondering it someone can help me with some IEP goals for my son next year.

I am wanting to add some social goals for socialization with peers and also reading comphrehension.

Thank you for your input. He is 6yrs.

Okay ... dd is also six but these are not clear goals ...

Will initiate social contact (with adult/ with peers).

Will maintain social contact.

Will maintain back-and-forth conversation with a peer for X turns.

Will make eye contact X times with peer during conversation.

Will play game or otherwise demonstrate appropriate  turn-taking.

On reading ... ? Not there yet!

Foxl..thank you!

I also have another question.. If Ryan has speech goals that his ST gave us, do those apply to the classroom setting as well or just while he is in speech. They are labeled communication goals..but like I said his ST gave them to us to look over and she made them up. I just want to make sure they do apply to his everyday classroom and not just when he sees his ST X2/wk.

Sarah goals are all social and pragmatics related and reading comprehension..initiating conversation, relating what peers are doing and her day, able to comprehend stories verbally and in writing, ..her ARD is coming up in a week so I will post what she will actually get.  I am excited because they actually are doing something for social where this whole year nothing was really done about it...I urged them that her expressive language is still behind and she still has not had one close friend:( SO we are now on the same page...I think the biggest goal for her will be getting a good teacher that has some knowlege of ASD unlike her kindergarten teacher that was clueless

 This year we had goals of written, verbal instructions~prompts & verbal feedback, along with encouraging eye contact..close to teacher at all times..not to be last in line ever!  Just not anything was given for social skills~I had to really tell them that her not having expressive language & social skills was going to hurt her academically as the years go by and we needed to tackle it now...they listened:)  Keep us posted & Best of luck!

We just had the annual IEP rewrite earlier this month.  We have a social goal for C that reads like this:

Academic Subject or Area of Need:  Social

Statement of Current Level of Performance:  C currently exhibits appropriate social pragmatics (acknowledge and respond to others verbalizations (10%), makes eye contact (10-20%), interpret non-verbal cues (less than 10%) with 1-2 prompts.

Goal Statement:  C will exhibit appropriate social pragmatics (acknowledge and respond to other's verbalizations (50%), make eye contact (50%), interpret non-verbal cues (40%) with 1-2 prompts.

Title(s) of the Goal Implementers:  LBS1 Behavior, Occupational Therapy, Social Work, Speech & Language, Classroom TEacher

There are also 3 short term benchmarks leading up to the overall goal.  This is 1 of C's 11 goals.  He also has 1 articulation goal, 2 receptive & expressive language goals, 1 reading goal, 1 written expression goal, 1 math goal, 3 Behavior goals and 1 fine motor goal.

[QUOTE=Jana2676]When setting the socialization goals I will give you this advice. Be sure that they stipulate WHO will actually help complete this goal.  If its just an open ended goal, alot of times it goes on the back burner.  Even though its in the IEP, it might not be given the time needed.[/QUOTE]


Good point! I never thought about that. I will make sure that is added into his IEP.

Thanks, Norway Mom, great goals site.

Here's an IEP Goal Bank, which includes 384 goals under English (including various types of reading goals) and 298 Social/emotional goals!!!

Wright's Law has lots of advice for writing SMART IEPs:

S Specific
M Measurable
A Use Action Words
R Realistic and relevant
T Time-limited

Just browse this list of articles on their website:

Good luck with everything.

When setting the socialization goals I will give you this advice. Be sure that they stipulate WHO will actually help complete this goal.  If its just an open ended goal, alot of times it goes on the back burner.  Even though its in the IEP, it might not be given the time needed.

Norway mom, you did it again!  Thank you for such excellent resources.  Good luck to us all, here in IEP season.

PS. Sneaky thing, like packing a gun at the IEP table. I printed out one of the legal write ups that came from Norway Mom's Pop Up blocker site and am inserting it into the clear cover on the front of my 3 ring binder. I also have a business card for an attorney who sues over disabled children's rights, and its going in there too, with a couple other items. The whole front will look like a bulletin board for war mongering IEP moms (um, you all and me?).

This may do nothing, but I intend to leave the binder -with all its legal mojo on front - on the table while I go grab a coffee (am making a batch of iced lattes for the whole crowd).  Hubby calls me the "velvet hammer".

Good luck, everybody! Thanks again.

LeAnne I thought of doing something similar with notebook!

But my best armature (armament?) is my intent to get and pay out of pocket for an IEE -- and knowing the district could STILL have to end up paying for it!

Here is another goal I dreamed up:

"will provide appropriate context for conversation topic in talking to teacher x % of time; ... to a peer x % otf time ... "


[QUOTE=Jana2676]When setting the socialization goals I will give you this advice. Be sure that they stipulate WHO will actually help complete this goal.  If its just an open ended goal, alot of times it goes on the back burner.  Even though its in the IEP, it might not be given the time needed.[/QUOTE]


Would you be meaning to stipulate  between his teacher and ST?

Can someone tell me more info on this?

Here is an actual goal frommy son's IEP.  Note that for each goal it needs to be noted what the area of need is, a statement of his current level of performance, the actual goal, and who will implement.  You can see from this one that LOTS of folks are on the hook for working with C on his social goals. 

Hope this helps.



We just had the annual IEP rewrite earlier this month.  We have a social goal for C that reads like this:

Academic Subject or Area of Need:  Social

Statement of Current Level of Performance:  C currently exhibits appropriate social pragmatics (acknowledge and respond to others verbalizations (10%), makes eye contact (10-20%), interpret non-verbal cues (less than 10%) with 1-2 prompts.

Goal Statement:  C will exhibit appropriate social pragmatics (acknowledge and respond to other's verbalizations (50%), make eye contact (50%), interpret non-verbal cues (40%) with 1-2 prompts.

Title(s) of the Goal Implementers:  LBS1 Behavior, Occupational Therapy, Social Work, Speech & Language, Classroom TEacher

There are also 3 short term benchmarks leading up to the overall goal.  This is 1 of C's 11 goals.  He also has 1 articulation goal, 2 receptive & expressive language goals, 1 reading goal, 1 written expression goal, 1 math goal, 3 Behavior goals and 1 fine motor goal.


Excellent site for goals.

Thanks Kristy...


After looking over Ryan's IEP they gave me to see If I would like to make changes,

 I am noticing under the domain:communication it says in another spot Title/Position of Person(s) Responsible

Speech/Language pathologist 

Does that mean his ESE teacher is not responsible for any communication goals?

I also noticed that on all his communication goals they are ALL 80% mastery by annual review date...shouldn't they be short term goals??/

