Complain to Applebee’s | Autism PDD


check out the last post on the thread about the restaurant.. We have one going now.


HEre it is...I copied it from over there.::


First I want to say thanks to Amie because she helped in part to write the email I am about to post.  I and her came up with this email to send to Applebee's in response to the carbon copy email that we all received.  We need everyone to email Applebees again and copy and paste this letter so that they know how BIG and STRONG our community is.  If you are a member at another message board then post this there too!!  Lets all see if we can get something done here as far as that manager is concerned. Remember when posting your complaint that the incident happened at the fountain valley restaurant in CA. It will ask the location when posting your complaint.  Here is the email I sent:


Dear Applebees,

We received your carbon copy response and we have been told by the young single mother we wrote you about that what you say is simply not true. She has stated that she was not given food to go..infact she was carrying her Autistic child in her arms out the door. (common sense tells US that she had no room for to-go bags) Also she is stating that the manager in question actually pointed to a table and said, "They left because of him" (speaking of her son and the other customers) This to us does not sound as though he was "Helping" her with her son as you described in the letter sent to us all. We would like to know how your corporation plans to handle this Manager. We would hope that he will soon be finding employment else where. It can also be noted and we are sure that you may be aware by now that you have lost thousands of customers and you will loose many more if you choose to do nothing about this. Your last response gave us the impression that you really didn't take us seriously.

The Autism Community

 Do to the recent Topic about the Lady who was so rudley thrown out of Applebees, I think that everyone one this message board should write a formal complaint to the Applebees coorparation about the treatment of this child and mother. We have to fight together to make others understand. It will make a difference, I think we should go as far as boycotting them if they don't respond possitively. I know I probably sound crazy but I'm tired of the hardest working parents getting stomped on!!!!!!!! I will be e-mailing them asap!!!!!!!!!!!!I also copied and sent it.. I hope what we are doing will make a differnce.. We had a bad experince there also about 2 months ago i will never go back.. After they treated us like we were dirt on the floor.. How horrible.. I just recieved the letter back from apples bee's and it states that The director has reached out to the family and apolized and is working towards a resoulation.. I highly doubt that is true.. Since they were treated so badly..

He called me. . . .offered I come to another applebees and said sorry but that's it.  Stephanie. . . .I asked for a written apology!  well see.



I copied it and sent it in.

I just signed the petition.. Please let me know how else I can help..



How can I help??? There's a petition going. The thread should be on this page.