when: time concepts, verb tense, etc. | Autism PDD


Wow, what a can of worms.  Anyone else struggling with verb tense and 'when' questions, planning, discussion of past and future events?  Verb tense seems like a very complicated aspect of language...  We're tackling this now and it's a tough nut to crack!  They understand the concepts, but seem to generalize when and where the same way the did with he and she when they were struggling with gender specific pronouns (they've finally mastered that).

The continue to struggle with small verbs (is, are, ...) in a similar way.

Can anyone recommend books or other resources that deal with verb tense, "when, where" and similar adverbs?  Most kids stories are in the past tense - something that transitions trhough past/present/future tense in succession might be helpful.  Weren't Dick and Jane books like this?

See Dick Run.

Dick Is Running.

Dick Ran home.


Anyway, anyone else have this particular stumbling block?

fred39147.3541203704Yes, we go around with those all the time.

Congregating verbs are very hard...you could make sequence flashcards and start with 3  at a time. 

Sally wants to eat a banana (pic of banana on table & girl looking at it)

Sally is eating the banana ( pic Sally eating banana)

Sally ate the banana (pic of banana peeling)

The baby bumblebee has the action video that you can narrarate along with it trying to incorporate tenses of verbs and seach for books of lots of action verbs to show them.. You can make your own "Dick and Jane books" and keep them real simple with a few words on the page so they can process it.  We did all of these things in a program and just practiced them like crazy..Let them master one verb tense at a time before going off to the next or they will get too frustrated.  We had some Webber action cards we used..they had GREAT pics and examples to work with.  I still model the tenses for Sarah all the time because she still has mix ups with them it just takes many many trials:)

Good luck!



They're selling these bumble videos in packages - there's an autism bundle.  Is this what you have?  Do you think the autism specific videos might be too basic for the girls at this point, or on the money?



Here's an Amazon list called "So you want to teach verb tenses with picture books."  I didn't read it closely myself but maybe it will help you.

http://www.amazon.com/gp/richpub/syltguides/fullview/3GGY0K5 XSW8E0

no advice for you but, yes
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