Washington D.C. area | Autism PDD


Is anyone in the Washington D.C. area?  My husband is military and we may possibly be getting orders to this area.  It's a large area so I'm hoping there's lots of services available for my little girl.  We should know in a few weeks for sure if we're moving.  I'm so excited!!!!!!  LOL  Does anyone know which cities/counties in this area seem to have the best Elementary schools?  Thanks!  Hi,
Just a word on Montgomery County.  I have been in the county since my son started receiving services at 18 months.  Up until this year services have been great.  Now that he is in the autism program in elementary school, it has been difficult to get properly trained teachers.  Because of Montgomery County's popularity with its autism services, the county is now busting at the seams with autism children requiring education and the county has not been able to keep up with the demand. He is on his third teacher this year alone and the first two were only substitutes and not certified special ed teachers.  Maintaining and getting Speech Therapist and Occupational therapist have also been a problem. 

Just my two cents.  I love Montgomery County.  Lived here my whole life, however, we are seriously looking into moving.

Hope this helps.


Just my two cents...Montgomery and Anne Arundel co both have alot of services available-because they are some of the most populated school districts in MD. However, they (in my experience) are not very good at obtaining those services ..They are overworked, overpopulated,etc..(I did part of my subsitute teaching in these counties...this is just my opinion though...

I am familiar with Harford co (where I now live), and services here are ok-not horrible and not great, just run of the mill.

Good luck!


Well, we won't be moving to Washington D.C. this summer, hubby wasn't selected for the position.  Looks like we're back to square 1.  Luckily she can go to the private school where she is now next year for pre-k 4....after that if we are still here we will just move into the other school district, but we're still hoping we will move before then.  I'm trying to stay positive that we won't be stuck here forever!!!!!  lol 

Personally.....I think Anne Arundel County STINKS. I have not yet talked to one other parent here that has not had to fight like crazy to get the supports or even guidance they deserved.

I am in central AA County. There are a "FEW" schools that are on the ball. Millersville Elementary are suppose to be AWESOME! There is a middle school in Arnold that has a special Austim program. I haven't heard of ANY good High schools (public). There is the Hanimore (sp?) in Baltimore County which isn't too far away and private jr high/high for high functioning Autistics but pricey.

Hope that helps some.

It's me:  Do you know where the best Elemtary schools are in that area?  We are supposed to find out on Tuesday if we will be moving this summer to Washington D.C.  We are open to where we live, hubby doesn't mind commuting....we just want Emily at a good school.  Do you know which towns in Montgomery County have the best Elem. schools?  I here Montgomery is the best county to be in.  What do you hear?  I do like the way Annapolis looks, but again, school is our #1 priority!!!  Thanks for the info! 

[QUOTE=Emilysmama2003]Linda11567:  We won't be going to D.C., he didn't get the special assignment.  Thanks for all the info though!!!![/QUOTE]

Oh thank goodness!!!! LOL!!!!! Good luck on where ever you do end up!

I dont know about DC but in Lynchburg Va we have wonderful schools for Autism but it takes an act of congress to get in. If you are willing to fight for your child you can find great help anywhere. Just be willing to go to battle.

The only Elementary school in this area that is recommended would be Millersville Elemententary Linda11567:  We won't be going to D.C., he didn't get the special assignment.  Thanks for all the info though!!!!I don't know how the schools are in Fairfax, but I am so jealous of anyone with the opportunity to move there.  It's beautiful and really feels as if it provides some small town living where you can also throw a rock and hit the capital.  I have ridden the public transportation (subway, not sure what it's called) from Fairfax to DC and it was a very short and easy ride to get there. 

I heard Montgomery County Maryland (right on the border line) has the best services available in Maryland.


I live in Anne Arundel County Maryland

Its Me39116.4866319444I haven't heard anything bad about Annapolis, I know parts of Bethesda can be pretty pricy, we haven't looked at any homes in Annapolis, were like you we want to go where the schools are good. I'm very excited about moving there and getting good services for my kids.My brother and sil live in Falls Church, VA. I know they have a very small
and reputable school district. I am curious though if anyone knows anything
about special ed there. Its Me:  Can you offer any insight on the Anne Arundel County schools since you live in that county?  So far on my other groups they have all pretty much said the same:  Montgomery County in MD is the best and Fairfax county in VA.  So I will definantly further research on those and would still like to get more info on Anne Arundel County too.  Thanks for all the info.  I really hope we get this assignment.  Fingers crossed I'll know in just a few short weeks if we will be moving this summer!!!!!

I've been told Anne Arundel is one of the best counties for special needs and schools.  We live in southern MD, we moved there before finding out our ds is special needs.  Anne Arundel is a bit less expensive than Montgomery.  The location may also be an advantage, as you would be closer to Baltimore and Kennedy Kreiger Institute (an excellent research hospital for children with developmental disabilities).  Our Neuro there is considered one of the best in the autism field, and other parents I know are very happy with him.  You would still be close enough to DC Childrens and Walter Reed.  DC Childrens, KKI, and Johns Hopkins all accept Tricare.

My husband just recently retired from active duty, and from our experiences I would suggest you try to get a civilian Ped for your child.  It made such a huge difference when we switched to a civilian dr, from going to the base clinic. 

Good luck.

Smith22:  Thanks for sharing.  Glad to hear that Anne Arundel is a good county as well since I am really smitten with the photos I have found on Annapolis.  Been looking at Bethesda as well, which is Montgomery county.  Now all I can do is pray we get the orders.  We travel 2 hrs to GA every 6 months to see a dev. peid right now and there's just nothing local at all.  It would be so nice to be in a bigger city area so there's so much more available to us.  Fingers crossed we will know by the end of the month or I just may drive myself crazy!!!!  lolHi,

I live in Washington D.C., however I would not recommend moving to D.C.
proper as the public school system isn't good.

I would recommend moving to Fairfax County in Northern Virginia or
Montgomery County in Maryland. I've heard that both counties are among
the top public school districts in the country.Were moving to Maryland, my husband got a job working at the Pentagon, we've checked out Montgomery County and it seems to be a good county for schools, it's expensive but I believe it is going to be worth moving to Montgomery County, good luck with your orders Thanks for posting!!!  I have heard Montgomery County is good in other forums as well, havn't checked out Fairfax in VA yet but I will now!  lol  Do you know any specific schools/towns in that area?  Or is it just the whole county in general?  Thanks so much!!For us it seems like all of Montgomery County has good schools and programs, we will be moving at the end of this month, when we get there I can let you know how there schools are and what services are available for kids on the spectrum, were looking at putting Leo in Ivymount in Rockville MD, that is also in Montgomery county, not sure yet where our DD will be going to school, sorry I can't provide more info right now, but soon I will be able to Oh, yes, I would love to hear all about it once you get there and get settled.  We should know within a month or so if we're getting the orders and if we do we will be moving in August.  I really hope we get them, we have been wanting to move north for awhile.....we are in South Carolina right now.  Candy, Have you heard anything good or bad about Annapolis?  It looks like such a cute little town (I've seen pic's online).  Also, I've been looking at Bethesda, which is in Montgomery County.  My #1 priority will be the school, so that will really determine where we live.  lol  Hello! My husband is in the military also and we spent the last 4 years at Bolling AFB, which is in DC proper. My twin boys were born at Bethesda naval hospital in 03. DC early intervention and school services were an absolute nightmare. You would think that DC would have wonderful services, they do not! My boys were in DC early intervention, I started the process right at the age of 2, it took so long they only got 3 months of intervention before they turned 3 and had to go to the public school system. They never did get speech which is their biggest deficit. They have too many kids and not enough people to provide services. I had to take them to school 9 miles from Bolling were we lived and it took me an hour to get them there. The classes were small but they did NOT get the services they were suppose. The school district cut their speech down to 1 hour a week after their dr recommend at least 3 and cut out OT completely. They never got any speech at all. If I complained I was told that I didn't have to send them to school. Their therapists from the early intervention were wonderful and told me that the only way I would get them what they needed was to get a mediator. I knew we were getting orders so I didn't go that route, but they said EVERY family had to do it or the kids would not get the services. I would have gone that route if we had stayed. They do have a very good charter school called St Colleta's. You have to be recommended for it and it is for kids who are more on the handicapped side. I have a friend with a little boy with down syndrome and it took a mediator to get him in there. She loves it. DC is a nightmare for parents with kids that are special needs. If you can get out of it do. If you can live somewhere besides Bolling do. Andrews is no better, the schools around there are awful. I was told by their therapists the best county in the area for the boys would be St Charles, which is Waldorf. She said it was a better system than Virginia schools for the special needs kids. If we had stayed we probablywould have moved out there. I'm not sure where your orders are but if they are to Bolling or the Pentagon and you have no choice but to live on base because of cost of living get yourself a mediator immediately and be prepared for a fight. The system will try to intimidate you, get informed and don't let them. If I can be of any help let me know. I might still have that name of that mediator around here somewhere.To add one more thing, I had a friend on base who was a OT and she did not recommend Montgomery county. They have too many kids and not enough therapists. She worked for Prince William County and the director let them spend as much time with a child as they wanted, which is why she choose to work for them over Montgomery county. Just sharing her experience with her. If you go to Montgomery be sure you ask the teacher if they got OT that day, got speech. I have learned that if you don't ask they don't have to tell you and you may think they are getting what is in their IEP when they really aren't.
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